When Things Don't Add Up
Ever find yourself around someone who insists they’re all about being positive, but you detect heaps of unacknowledged heaviness, sarcasm, and denial from their words and behaviors?
Ever find yourself around someone who treats you bad, but repeatedly tells you how bad you treat them, to the point where you search your brain trying to figure out how, because you feel like you’re so good to them?
Ever feel like someone doesn’t like you at all, and then out of nowhere they do something really nice for you that shows how much they like you and it empties your brain of everything you thought you knew about them?
There’s lots of things these days, that don’t add up.
It doesn’t mean either one of you has to be right and the other wrong.
It means you’re both having your own experience. Each not easy to share, not easy to judge, not easy to understand.
The next time you feel like you’re standing on a different field than someone in your life, instead of feeling bad or scrambling hard to get closer, ask yourself about the experience you’re having.
What’s it like to see something that the other doesn’t.
Or not see something that the other does?
You may find that you’re on the same field, just in different spots, with different perspectives.
I took this photo under the stars in a sunflower field this week.
Many of us were in the same field, but we each experienced the sky from our own little piece of the field.
We all contributed to one another’s experience….
Yet every camera, and every person, got a different shot.
There were many amazing photos taken by photographers with cameras and lenses that are made for astrophotography!!! Far more impressive than my cute little pic here. You can check them out at Sussex County Sunflower Maze
Who knew the Milky Way makes appearances in Jersey...