Want a Game Changing story?

Want a Game Changing story?

Dec 27, 2024

Do you ever feel like you’re not as successful in a certain area of your life as you’d like to be?

What would it take to…

•Inspire people to make a change

•Spark new meaning in your conversations

•Deeply engage the people you speak to, whether an audience or a single person

The way to become successful in all three things is to develop your storytelling techniques.

…because a good story changes someone’s life, sparks realizations, and engages more deeply than facts.

The people in your life are searching the web for their next inspiration…

…when it could be you who delivers it.


I’m starting a storytellers club, the 4th Wednesday of every month, on Zoom, from 7:30pm to 8:30pm eastern time for all of 2025.

If you want to inspire the people in your life, don’t miss it.

The requirements are that you:

•Show up no matter what for all twelve Zoom classes (shows your willingness to commit and succeed)

•Be vulnerable and do what’s uncomfortable to achieve success (by telling stories and overcoming your fear of rejection; not leaving the house naked or anything)

•Be willing to deliver honest, compassionate, and kind feedback

These monthly meetings help you develop good stories while you get and give good feedback. The kind of feedback that makes you better…

…so that you have in your pocket the skills needed to tell a game-changing story in a moments notice.

Comment below or send me a message for more info: [email protected]


And when you feel someone staring at you from behind, assume it’s because you’re just this adorable