Look with Curiosity to Reveal It
Is there someone who barrels over your words in a conversation…
…or barrels over meaningful silence?
Filling it with their agenda…
…to the point where it doesn’t feel like there is room for you in their presence.
Conversations with them feel cut short, locked up, and void of you.
How are you supposed to fix this, if every time you try to, they barrel over you?
The fix comes from the most unsuspecting of places: looking for where you barrel over yourself or others.
The first thing you’ll think is, ‘I don’t do that, not me.’
But if you’re able to notice something in someone else, and be annoyed by it, then it’s alive in you, on some level.
To find it, ask:
Where could I be doing this same thing?
Look for it, with curiosity to find it.
Don’t look for it and it’ll stay in hiding, continuing to annoy you in ‘them’ forever.
Try to work this out with them, as in getting them to stop doing what they’re doing, and your mind will spin forever.
Work this out inside of you, and your annoyance with them will disappear.
This woodpecker doesn’t stick around for long in the spotlight, which is why I’m glad I got a picture of him. Because I can study him well after he’s gone.
Your lasting annoyance with another person’s behavior, well after they’re gone from your view, is a picture for you, for deeper study.
What picture do you see?