Otherwise You'll Miss Each Other
She said I feel paralyzed to make the decision, afraid to fail, afraid of the mistakes and the consequences, afraid of losing the money.
Afraid of the potential embarrassment.
I said “C’mon you’ve got to move through that. You’ve got to push through”…
A few hours after I spoke, I realized I was speaking from my strength, and not from my weakness.
Which prevented me from conveying what I wanted to get across.
Had I connected in with the part of me that feels weak, I would have been able to connect in with the part of her that feels weak.
And that would’ve been a point of connection for us.
Who’s saying, “C’mon that’s easy” to you?
Who do you say, “C’mon that’s easy” to?
When something is hard for her, connect into what’s hard for you.
Speak from there.
And when something is hard for you, ask her to connect in with something hard for her.
Connect from there.
Otherwise you could miss each other.
Miss the help.
Miss the connection.
And there’s nothing worse than missing connection with someone you love.
This broken mushroom reminds me of the holes, gaps, and brokenness in human relationships.
And how the brokenness gives us opportunity for reflection, insight, and change, when seen as a crucial lesson.