Find the One that Stays

Find the One that Stays

Oct 12, 2024

The best thing about sharing your pain, in a vulnerable way, rather than in a complaining way, is that sweet people rise up in ways they never had the chance to before, to meet you in your pain.

Being met in your pain, with understanding, helps you move through pain instead of feeling stuck alone with it.

The posture of this duck reminds me of how some people often only show their deep kindness, care, and sweetness, once you invite them into a space where they feel comfortable sharing it.

Just like this duck only shows its grooming, playful, non-threatened self….once it knows you welcome it and there’s no danger.


Share what ails you with someone you trust, let them know about your struggle, in a vulnerable way.

And if they don’t meet you in the way that feels helpful, keep looking for someone who will.

Not all people, or all birds will hang around to show you their sweet behavior. Some will fly away. But if you keep looking, you’ll find one that stays.

Even if it’s only for a few minutes.

A few minutes of real sweetness can be more meaningful than a lifetime of mediocre sweetness.

Plus, there’s potential for another few minutes tomorrow.

Whether that be with the same, or a different person, or bird.