Find Someone Who Will Listen

Find Someone Who Will Listen

Oct 08, 2024

Sometimes people only want to hear the good.

They haven’t developed their capacity to hear the bad, without trying to ‘fix’ it.

Which only makes you feel like you’re not being understood, heard, or addressed in your pain.

If your arm were cut off, would it help you feel better if somebody told you to think about the good that’ll come from the pain and challenge?

Or would you prefer they first help stop the bleeding and be with you as you process the trauma?

There’s no perfect person. We all fall into all this imperfect human pattern of skipping over pain at times.

Even when aware of it.

It’s easy to slip into.

But I ask you, and I ask me, to ask ourselves:

How can I help the next person I meet, who is experiencing some kind of pain, process the pain instead of skipping over it to try to get them to the good?

And if it’s you that’s in pain and you can’t find a human who will listen instead of trying to band-aid you up…

Go find the ducks or geese. Or an insect.

Approach them slowly, and sit near them.

See if they listen.

You will find a good listener, in physical form. Just look.