Are They Sorry?

Are They Sorry?

Sep 18, 2024

Does it matter if she’s sorry?


She called me a name yesterday because she didn’t like what I said.

I told her name calling isn’t okay and asked for an apology.

Her response:


I didn’t call you a &*#%.

I said you were acting like a &*#%.

And you should ____

You made me ____

You are ____”

It’s imperative to forgive every single offense, whether an apology comes or doesn’t, feels genuine or doesn’t.

It’s also imperative to invite her to speak kindly to me.


Allowing the name-calling to continue, continues to hurt me. And her.

Healthy boundaries are not brick walls, but are invitations for better communication and more genuine relationships.

Don’t get hung up on whether the invitation is accepted or rejected. Just keep offering it.

In watching the still, patient, and graceful Great-Blue-Heron I see there’s something bigger than offenses, bigger than hurt feelings, bigger than misunderstandings.

Look for this bigger thing, find it, and let it help you see over the offense and into the invitation.