A Hummingbird is Like Honesty

A Hummingbird is Like Honesty

Aug 28, 2024

Don’t let others prevent you from placing honesty on the table.

Let them decide whether they pick up the honesty, throw it in the garbage, sit down and eat it, or curse at you for messing up their table just the way they like it.

Continue to share bite size pieces of honesty, even when it gets you dislike in return.

Process the dislike, instead of bending to become a dishonest person in order to superficially please.

The honest person’s work is to always look for ways to speak honestly, with greater kindness and love.

This way you give yourself and others perpetual potential for growth.



Emotional explosions don’t produce honesty.

If someone says they’re being honest with you while they name-call, insult, compete, ridicule, and put you down, they need to deep dive into inner honesty.


How does this hummingbird, in its still and quiet state, represent honesty?

It’s hard to find and hard to see…

…but pure joy when you know where to find it and how to enjoy its company.