What Runs Secretly Back There?
Build a relationship with them based on what's possible instead.
Who You Travel with Matters
Travel with those who want to see you get somewhere better than you can imagine.
Go Solo if the Group Goes Wrong
It feels safe to be with a group, unless the group isn't safe. What then?
Is it Really Freedom?
It's tempting to talk about others, or listen to talk about others. But could it be a trap?
Want a Game Changing story?
Being able to pull a story up out of nowhere when helpful is game changing. Is it time to craft this technique?
You Grew Lots
It's hard to see your own growth unless you really look for it. Look for it!
Same Station if You Want to Win
FOMO - was it always so prevalent? Find out what one thing you never want to miss out on...
Good Digestion for Thoughts
Undigested thoughts can pop up and trouble you in your dreams. Process them when you're awake so you can sleep peacefully.
When They Call You the Bad Guy
On the surface things can look scary, bad, and even devastating. And sometimes they are. But that doesn't mean you can't still find good coming springing forth. Look for it.
Are Second Chances Possible?
You might not get a 'do over' but you do get to grow from your mistake and lead differently from this point on.
Are You Being Good to Yourself?
Find ways to bring more self kindness into your day. It'll help you go farther faster than being mean will.
God Experiences Feelings Too
Feelings shouldn't run you, but they should inform you. Acknowledge them, test them, talk about them.
Grateful for the Haters Too
The haters give you the opportunity to be courageous. It's hard to speak up when you know haters are lurking. But do it anyway, it'll help you get to know who you are
I'm Listening
Sometimes you need a moment of rest. No fixing, not advice, no positive words. Just an ear. A rest. A shoulder.
Use Everything for Good
This doesn't mean everything is good, but whatever comes, use it for good, get creative, let good emerge from what stinks.
Turn Around If You...
...want to feel, think, or see something different. You aren't locked into your current perception.
Are You Patterned or Unpatterned?
It saves time to live patterned, but also means you could miss out on things that fall outside of your patterning
What Do They Need?
It's a daily practice to ask yourself, "what do they need" and that's the place to be if you want to help.
They're Always Valid
When you make the mistake of calling feelings truth, it shuts out other people's feelings as truth. Always valid is the truth.
Look with Curiosity to Reveal It
It's not easy to see yourself in others, but it's the only way you'll ever get to see your back
Let Him Know You Struggle Too
If you forget to share your struggles he'll think you can't relate to him
He Let Me Close
Your presence is a form of communication with everyone and everything around you. What are your non verbal communications?
It's Not What You Think
This thing is unavoidable yet I've never met someone who likes it. However you can still come to peace around it.
Find the One that Stays
If you want to find sweet people you've got to be willing to test for them. Sweetness draws out sweetness. Are you being sweet?
Are You a Good Listener?
The things you've learned in life are valuable. What more would you like to learn?
Find Someone Who Will Listen
Those who want to get you to the good without hearing the bad probably deny their own feelings too. Find someone who will listen.
It's Your Turn
Don't worry about what time has passed, focus on what you are building now
Are They Sorry?
Be genuine, be forgiving, move on with healthy & compassionate boundaries
Birds Look Up Too
When what you see in front of you hurts, look up for something helpful.
A Hummingbird is Like Honesty
Do you shy away from honesty if people don't like you for it?
Have You Gotten Close?
The Goldfinch is the NJ state bird. Where did you last spot one?
Do You Post Process Your Pics?
Send a photo processing tip to [email protected] if you have one!